Chris it felt like we financed your pregnancy with my money and our time. Lemonis if i cant help them fix their process and their relationship. You guys picked this location. Chris yeah. Lemonis you guys did it. This board shop will have to board up its doors. My name is Marcus Lemonis, and i risk my own money to save struggling businesses. Were not gonna wake up every morning wondering if we have a job. Were gonna wake up every morning wondering how many jobs we have to do. Its not always pretty. Everythings gonna change everything. But i do it to save jobs, and i do it to make money. This. Lets go to work. Is the profit. Tony windward, chicago. This is tony. Lemonis in 2010, partners chris, tony, and jess bought windward sports, an iconic chicago retailer with a 30year history and a reputation as the goto store for skateboarders and snowboarders. Chris do you want to print them a restock, jess . Jess yeah. Totally. Lemonis longtime friends and avid snowboarders, the three partners in
With my money and our time. Lemonis if i cant help them fix their process and their relationship. You guys picked this location. Chris yeah. Lemonis you guys did it. This board shop will have to board up its doors. My name is Marcus Lemonis, and i risk my own money to save struggling businesses. Were not gonna wake up every morning wondering if we have a job. Were gonna wake up every morning wondering how many jobs we have to do. Its not always pretty. Everythings gonna change everything. But i do it to save jobs, and i do it to make money. This. Lets go to work. Is the profit. Tony windward, chicago. This is tony. Lemonis in 2010, partners chris, tony, and jess bought windward sports, an iconic chicago retailer with a 30year history and a reputation as the goto store for skateboarders and snowboarders. Chris do you want to print them a restock, jess . Jess yeah. Totally. Lemonis longtime friends and avid snowboarders, the three partners introduced new brands, updated the store, and re
We began our trip to bohemia in the main Railway Station of dresden in eastern germany. Up until the end of the 1900 century the station was called burma siobhan hall for bohemian station and the line was the saxon bohemian state railway. Today the electrified mainline between dresden and it seemed put moakley in the Czech Republic is called the elba valley railway. Industrialization and burgeoning tourism saw the amount of traffic increase so rapidly that an expansion of the Railway Station became essential. In 898 the bohemian Railway Station was renamed to dresden how bahnhof or central station. Which remains to this day. The local Railway Service taking passengers to the border with the Czech Republic runs about every 15 minutes and connects dressed in with the saxon and bohemian switzerland regions. Its a popular Railway Route not just due to the charmingly diverse natural landscape by the river elbe. Its frequent and fast connection to the Sandstone Mountains make it a truly conv
Railway routes are very romantic and they wind their way through long valley ants and you get these gorgeous views of nature. Theyre one of the current you know sources are insofar. As we began our trip to bohemia in the main Railway Station of dresden in eastern germany. Up until the end of the 19th century the station was called burma siobhan hall for bohemian station and the line was the saxon bohemian state railway. Today the electrified mainline between dresden and it seemed put moakley in the Czech Republic is called the elba valley rail. Way. Industrialization and burgeoning tourism saw the amount of traffic increase so rapidly that an expansion of the Railway Station became essential. In 898 the bohemian Railway Station was renamed to dressed and hauptbahnhof or Central Station which remains to this day. The local Railway Service taking passengers to the border with the Czech Republic runs about every 15 minutes and connects dressed in with the saxon and bohemian switzerland re
Landscapes here and the tunnels still have neo gothic arches dating back to when they were 1st built out bugs in. Gottlieb on us and likely to serve them on the Railway Routes are very romantic and they wind their way through long valiance and you get these gorgeous views of nature. Sure theyre one of a car and you know sort of this i can see all 3. We began our trip to bohemia in the main Railway Station of dresden in eastern germany. Up until the end of the 1900 century the station was called room a siobhan hall for bohemian station and the line was the saxon bohemian state railway. Today the electrified mainline between dresden and did sheen put moakley in the Czech Republic is called the elder valley railway. Industrialization and burgeoning tourism saw the amount of traffic increase so rapidly that an expansion of the Railway Station became essential. In 898 the bohemian Railway Station was renamed to dressed and how on hold or Central Station which remains to this day. I am. The