TISSNET 2021 exam analysis by other experts
TISSNET 2021 exam Analysis reflects on the following key points:
TISSNET Analysis on overall TISSNET exam pattern, total questions, time duration, overall difficulty level, expected overall cut offs, overall calculation of TISSNET percentile
TISSNET exam Analysis on Sectional pattern, type of questions, sectional difficulty level, TISSNET cut offs by experts
Ideal attempts in TISSNET exam with required accuracy level to clear cut offs for different TISS programmes
TISSNET analysis leading to expected percentile predictions by experts as per TISSNET scoring pattern
TISSNET 2021 Analysis: Overall Test Pattern
There were 100 questions in MCQ format in TISSNET 2021. The duration of the test was also 100 minutes. Candidates will get 1 mark for every correct answer. There is no negative marking in TISSNET 2021 for wrong answers. The exam is of 100 marks. Key changes in TISSNET 2021 are as below:
ICC ) has introduced new rules for
arbitration (the
2021 Rules ) that will
apply to cases filed from January 1, 2021 onward. The 2021 Rules
respond to the global pandemic by modernizing procedures and
increasing the role of technology.
The previous arbitration rules came into force on March 1, 2017
2017 Rules ) and will continue to
apply to cases registered before January 1, 2021.
Overview of Key Changes in the 2021 Rules
(a) Increased Use of Technology
The 2021 Rules represent a continuing effort by the ICC to
remain responsive to the needs of international arbitration
stakeholders in an unprecedented and ever evolving dispute
resolution landscape.
Technology has always been important in international
Purchase Agreement Components, Part 2: Indemnification Provisions, January 8, 2021, Frank Massaro
In an acquisition, particularly an equity acquisition, a buyer must perform extensive due diligence on the target company to understand, as thoroughly as possible, the risks associated with the acquisition. In most cases, however, the buyer cannot fully evaluate or even identify all sources of risk that it will assume post-closing. To address these uncertainties and allocate these potential risks, the buyer and seller negotiate indemnification provisions that set forth the scope of each party’s obligation to reimburse the other party for certain losses associated with the acquisition that may arise following closing.
Key Provisions in the 2021 NDAA for Government Contractors, December 11, 2020, Jon Williams
‘Tis the season for holiday cheer and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA, commonly referred to as “must pass” legislation, is a key legislative vehicle that Congress uses each year to address a wide variety of issues, from defense spending to small business contracting matters. And this year is no different. Based on the recent Conference Report, the 2021 NDAA heading to the President will contain numerous provisions that will impact contractors doing business with the federal government. There is still some intrigue as to whether the President will sign the bill or if there may be further changes, which we will continue to monitor.