missing person. but now, the family begged them to take another look. we went back to the police again and pleaded. we try to think of anything. the kids are home alone. she s not there. anything that we could do to get them to go over there. detective maurer agreed to stop by the apartment and talk to morgan. she seemed genuine, like she wanted to help me. morgan invited the detective in and told him the same story. kevin had walked out on her and the kids. and she had proof. text messages in her own phone from kevin, breaking it off. she had received a message from kevin that he was leaving and she showed me these text message exchanges. something to the effect of, are you kidding me? he said no, i m done, i can t do this anymore. the detective also spoke with steve shappell, kevin s young employee, who had been hanging around the apartment complex with morgan and the kids. he just seemed like a kid. a young kid. he was 21 years old.
at a cash from were morgan and kevin lived and the only check catching place was familiar with kevin and hugh saw across the street. so that landed some credibility that kevin was in the area. he was close to home sending texts to his wife and mother, just refusing to see or speak to his family. and he did finally respond to his father. i just need time away. and kevin sister received this message. he s says, i m fine, worried about morgan, she s the one you should be worried about. but morgan, it appeared, was doing just fine. the couple owns a landscaping business. and monday morning, morgan showed up to meet the mundane cruz and said she was now in charge. employee said that the garage was spotless. there is always oil spots on
never expected steve would take it as far as he did. and besides, it was not the poison that killed kevin, but the blows to the head which steve had done alone inside the landscaping garage. i wasn t being serious. apparently it turned into a serious conversation. on his. and and yes, i did hand kevin snap a bottle with nicotine in it. after that, i was not involved in it. you guys killed someone and you expect me to believe that you didn t talk about? it no i didn t want to talk about it. i looked at my kids and felt terrible. so terrible that you made up text messages to his family members about him calling you win. it was steve, she said who bag sent messages to his family pretending kevin was alive.
to tell another story. a far more sinister one. we were floored. it was all there for us to read. you can t make this stuff up. which was fact and which was fiction? these text messages don t even seem real. they just don t seem real. long before kevin mengel had a cell phone or facebook page, he was a high school guy in suburban philadelphia, with a cute little sister to worry about. kevin was the stereotypical older brother. he would follow me around and tell all of his friends they were allowed to talk to me. things like that.
police looking for detective maurer. i m afraid his wife and the new boyfriend are making a new a move right. now you re leaving. they re living. only, they didn t go far. chris follow them as they drove over to landscaping business. it turns out the detective was already there. he decided to go poke around, half expecting to run into kevin back at work. she gets out of the passenger side and walks by me. i walk over to shappell and he s still sitting in the passenger seat. and he s got a dead stare straight ahead. and there is something inside the truck that the detective thought was peculiar. the backseat was full of false. i could see a laundry basket, bags, backpacks. he says oh, morgan is going to do laundry across the street. i said well morgan has got a washer and dryer in her apartment. i saw yesterday. things are just aren t adding up. i said, would you mind coming back to the police station?