Presided over this chamber with such force and grace. Tip oneill liked to call himself a man of the house. And he surely was that. But even more, he was a man of the people, a bricklayers son who helped to build the Great American middle class. Tip oneill never forgot who he was, where he came from, or who sent him here. Tonight hes smiling down on us for the first time from the lords gallery. But in his honor, may we, too, always remember who we are, where we come from, and who sent us here. [applause] if we do that we will return over and over again to the principle that if we simply give ordinary people equal opportunity, quality education, and a fair shot at the American Dream, they will do extraordinary things. We gather tonight in a world of changes so profound and rapid that all nations are tested. Our American Heritage has always been to master such change, to use it to expand opportunity at home and our leadership abroad. But for too long and in too many ways, that heritage wa
My fellow americans, im not at all sure what speech is in the teleprompter tonight, but i hope we can talk about the state of the union. I ask you to begin by recalling the memory of the giant who presided over this chamber with such force and grace. Tip oneill liked to call himself a man of the house. And he surely was that. But even more, he was a man of the people, a bricklayers son who helped to build the Great American middle class. Tip oneill never forgot who he was, where he came from, or who sent him here. Tonight hes smiling down on us for the first time from the lords gallery. But in his honor, may we, too, always remember who we are, where we come from, and who sent us here. [applause] if we do that we will return over and over again to the principle that if we simply give ordinary people equal opportunity, quality education, and a fair shot at the American Dream, they will do extraordinary things. We gather tonight in a world of changes so profound and rapid that all nation
Anytime Crawfordsville and Tri-West boys soccer square off, fans are usually treated to a phenomenal soccer game. A year ago Cville fell to Bruins 3-2 while two years ago during the regular …
LINDEN ­— North Montgomery boys and girls soccer were in action Saturday morning for a Sagamore Conference double-header as they hosted the Western Boone Stars. In the girls game which got …