Please rise for the pledge of allegiance. Mr. President i would like to call roll, please. President mazzucco . Present. Vice president marshall. He is in route, i can see that he has tried to contact me twice. Commissioner dejesus . Excused. Commissioner chan . Present. Commissioner kingsley. Present. Commissioner oftus is in route. And with us tonight is the chief of please and the director of the fcc. Thank you, and welcome to the september 19th. San Francisco Police commission meeting, please call line item number one. General Public Comment. The public is now welcome to address the commission on items that do not appear in the agenda but are in the subject matter of the commission. The speaker shall address to the commission as a whole and not to individual commission. Under the Police Commission rules of order during the Public Comment, commissioners are not to respond to the public or make a right of response. The police and personnel should refrain from entering into discussion
Made that case and an arrest was made. Unfortunately, a 17yearold was the suspect in that homicide. Again, the homicide unit and the officers on the street, bay view station et al continue to do a great job making not only clearing these cases but making arrests and sending a message that it is not okay to do violence in san francisco. However we did suffer another one. We had another homicide in the mission, over the weekend and we have a suspect identified in that case. However, not in custody. We are actively seeking him. Over the weekend, it was the anniversary of occupy on monday, but activities started on friday. There was to be a bbein as it was called near the stadium and it unfolded throughout the weekend throughout Golden Gate Park and ended up at a sleep over in the west end of the park not far from the wind mills. The officers were engaged with the folks demonstrating all weekend long, there was a cooperation and an agreement that it would disban on monday and then they wou