what was happening there. what i ve seen tonight, you know, and we were with kevin on election night. i had been campaigning him for three days, getting a feel for what s going on, we were all in a stake of shock. we all thought as you pointed out, when you look at the generic ballot, when you look at florida and new york, returning huge majorities, you had a sense it was going to be a great night. but it wasn t. i got curious about this. kevin is going to be somewhere between 218 and 224. there have been seven congresses since 1916 in which the march you rety was in the 220 to 223, which including pelosi s last majority. kevin won t be faced with something unprecedented. denny hastert was at 221 in one
she outspend him three to one the last three weeks. look at some of these key places. in the case of bolduc, mitch mcconnell ran money that permanently made it harder for him to 1. some of this is one race at a time. the bigger story, kevin mccarthy recruited new people, this will be the most diverse house republican party in history. the most women. the most veterans. the most minorities. and in fact if we had kept our incumbents in 94 when we won and in 2020 when kevin picked up 16 seats, we didn t lose a single incumbent. if that were the case now, we would be closer to 230. so one of the things we have to do is go back and look at why did certain incumbents lose.
incumbent has a 2,000 vote lead. the 33,000 remaining votes, they are throughout to be mostly republicans. in california 3, republican kevin kylie has a six-point lead. as of today. there were a whopping 150,000 votes to count. california 13 remains tight with 50,000 votes left. over in california 22, the republican has a five-point lead with around 50,000 votes to be counted. republican mike garcia has a nine-point lead in california 27. kevin cal bert leads. michelle steele is up by 8, california 45. that s with 80% reporting. colorado, lauren boebert is holding on to a 1,000 vote lead. new york 22, the democrat would need to win 70% of the remaining handful of ballots in order to carry his seat. other outlets have already