telegraphed it as the day kind of went on before he issued the final ruling. the city manager, kev-in orr, said, i don t like it but it comes down to dollars and cents and there just aren t enough of either. we re trying to be very thoughtful, measured, and humane, about what we have to do. what i can tell them is that the reality is, there s not enough money to address the situation, no matter what we do. that is clear. reporter: and that s the bottom line, i think, on this, neil. there are no winners here. going to appeal. the judge says he will not stay his ruling pending appeal. this thing is going forward. it s unclear, though, how much of a haircut the pensioners will have to take. that is yesterday to be decided and the judge says it s going to be as fair as it can be, whatever it is. jeff in detroit, thank you. this opportunity today gives us a chance, i think to move