Zaheeda Hussain, belonging to a film family, also tried to make a career in Bollywood. Dev Anand gave her the first opportunity to star in films. She played the lead role in 'Anokhi Raat' in 1968.
Jaddanbai fell in love and got married thrice in her lifetime. Her first marriage was to a wealthy Gujarati Hindu businessman Narottamdas Khatri who converted to Islam upon marriage. Together, the couple had a son named Akhtar Hussain.
Zaheeda was the daughter of Akhtar Hussain, who was blockbuster actress Nargis's brother. Nargis's mother Jaddanbai was married thrice. Jaddanbai's first marriage was to Narottam Das Khatri, who converted to Islam and changed his name to Bachhubhai.