Despite an ever advancing technological world, where we have the ability to communicate with others instantly from all over the Earth, I think most people would agree that many of our elected officials are more disconnected than ever with the pulse of their constituents they represent. However, a few public
Happy hour started a little early for Frank Fuhrer III and his guests on Wednesday afternoon. It’s only appropriate — Fuhrer was cutting the ribbon on a brand new, 300,000-square-foot warehouse for his beer and soda pop distribution business, so getting a few coolers full of beer was a matter
Lisa Cegina likes the rural feel of her Salem home. But, as the township considers joining a growing countywide sewage authority, Cegina worries Salem will be subject to property development in the future. Since parting ways with the Crabtree Sewage Authority, the township has relied primarily on taps into the
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Some area municipalities were scrambling this week to submit applications for federal pandemic relief funding, with an initial deadline looming Wednesday.
They got a break from that crunch when officials extended that deadline by a month.
The state Department of Community and Economic Development “started urging municipalities to apply as soon as possible once the (American Rescue Plan Act) funding was available just after Memorial Day,” department spokesman Casey Smith said Tuesday, noting email blasts, letters and postcards were used to reach out to communities.