Kerala Lottery Vishu Bumper BR-91 Result Date: In the third week of May, the Indian state of Kerala holds the Vishu bumper lottery. Participants can see the Vishu bumper BR-91 lottery results after they are officially revealed on May 24, 2023, live at 2 p.m. On May 24, 2023, the Kerala Lottery Results Draw will be held in Thiruvananthapuram at Gorky Bhavan, next to Bakery Junction. Check the latest updates on every Vishu bumper lottery here on Zee News English.
Happy Vishu 2023: Celebrate the special day of Kerala with joy and happiness and share your love and good wishes with this collection of Vishu Kani 2023 images and wishes. Find WhatsApp wishes, images, greeting and quotes that you can share with your loved ones on Malayalam New Year 2023
The celebration of Vishu Kani is incomplete without a Sadya feast that includes banana chips, curries, rice dishes, pickles and other items served on a banana leaf. Here are some dishes you can savour on Vishu:
Vishu 2023: Vishu is a time for families and communities to come together, celebrate the new year, and pray for prosperity and happiness in the year ahead. Check out History, Significance and how to celebrate Kerala New year on