Owago Onyiro, known for his stand-up comedy on the Churchill Show, relocated from Kenya a few years back. Owago works for a Kenyan woman in the United States.
Jubilee, ODM Gang Up Against Isaac Mwaura Over Disloyalty, Hate Speech
Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura is seemingly in a tight spot after Jubilee and ODM parties launched a twin attack over alleged disloyalty to his party and hate speech.
On its part, the ruling party Jubilee has summoned Mr Mwaura to appear before the disciplinary committee for violating the party’s constitution. He reportedly did this by “pledging allegiance to another party, acting in a manner that is disloyal to Jubilee party and contravening the Jubilee party code of conduct”.
Jubilee disciplinary committee chairman Lumatete Muchai said Mwaura was summoned following a complaint by party chairman Nelson Dzuya.