we talk about women have very difficult in recovery because of guilt, shame and remorse they experience. because you made a mistake doesn t mean that you are a mistake. the program is called enough is enough and it s run by the jail s substance abuse program coordinator kentucky wright. you have a disease and you are not responsible for having it but you are responsible for recovery. the focus on basic recovery to help them get back into main stream society. one of the things that happens traditionally in corrections to address rearrest, the same old kind of soup every day, get locked up, stay in jail learn you who to be a better criminal but never address the issues that are related to people coming in and out of jail. there s a men s version of the program as well.
we talk about women have a very difficult in recovery because of guilt, shame and remorse they experience. because you made a mistake doesn t mean that you are a mistake. the program is called enough is enough and it s run by the jail s substance abuse program coordinator kentucky wright. you have a disease and you are not responsible for having it but you are responsible for recovery. the focus is on basic recovery to help them get back into main stream society. one of the things that happens traditionally in corrections to address re-arrest, the same old kind of soup every day, get locked up, stay in jail, learn you who to be a better criminal but never address the issues that are related to people coming in and out of jail. there s a men s version of the program as well. when did you start? 15.
experience. because you made a mistake doesn t mean that you are a mistake. the program is called enough is enough and it run bthe jail s substance abuse program coordinator kentucky wright. you have a disease and you are not responsible for having it but you are responsible for recovery. the focus on basic recovery to help them get back into main stream society. one of the things that happens traditionally in corrections to address rearrest, the same old kind of soup every day, get locked up, stay in jail learn you who to be a better criminal but never address the issues that are related to people coming in and out of jail. there s a men s version of the program as well. when did you start? 15.
because you made a mistake doesn t mean that you are a mistake. the program is called enough is enough and it s run by the jail s substance abuse program coordinator kentucky wright. you have a disease and you are not responsible for having it but you are responsible for recovery. the focus on basic recovery to help them get back into main stream society. one of the things that happens traditionally in corrections to address rearrest, the same old kind of soup every day, get locked up, stay in jail learn you who to be a better criminal but never address the issues that are related to people coming in and out of jail. there s a men s version of the program as well. when did you start? 15.