While many are sending donations and aid to Western Kentucky in the wake of the devastating tornadoes that killed at least 76, a few have been accused of trying to take advantage of the desperate situation.
While many are sending donations and aid to Western Kentucky in the wake of the devastating tornadoes that killed at least 76, a few have been accused of trying to take advantage of the desperate situation.
Kentucky's Search Warrant Task Force released its final report on Tuesday, with eight recommendations, Attorney General Daniel Cameron's office announced.
Wed, 07/21/2021 - 18:55 RCN Newsdesk
Kentucky lawmakers heard testimony Wednesday on how first responders across the state have held up during COVID-19.
“Our EMS agencies have struggled with a multitude of challenges,” said Michael Poynter, executive director of the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services. He was testifying before the Interim Joint Committee on Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection.
Poynter rattled off the challenges. They include employees unable to work due to quarantine, shortages of personal protective equipment and the additional costs of it all. Many of the challenges were echoed by representatives for firefighters, the Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police and Kentucky State Police – all of whom testified at the meeting.