Think a tshirt going over to a hoodie with an umbrella, all right. Cloudy, showers. Sixtysix to 68 degrees. But falling temperature this afternoon. Were in the 50s and lower 60 s bob as in tonight, by the way, it will get freezing, like upper 30s. We will talk about that forecast, if you love autumn you will love the seven day. You can tell mike doesnt have kid imagine telling kid take this hoodie for later on this afternoon, carry it with you, youll need it later. Great advice. 5 01. Live look at 202 southbound an accident near west town road in west chester, everything is wet this morning and a brand new traffic pattern for you here if you leave center city north bound i95 penndot over there moving all of the travel lanes over to that newly built stretch of the roadway. Something brand new for you this morning. For gang in south jersey watch for slower than normal speed on route 73 rolling through mount laurel i, karen and thomas back to you. A family is desperate for answers this mo