Community policing, the importance of broken windows and that it was being attacked and being attacked successfully, unfortunately. And so the idea that he was about to leave this life, his lifes work was being torn apart and he the good fortune in that last year to meet rafael. And id like to think that a lot of the influence in this magnificent book was through that exposure to. George georges last work for the Manhattan Institute was a 3000 word effort that by rafael defending Community Policing and the Community Policing. It effectively was what could make safe. So from that exposure to rafael developed a friendship it the admiration of a mentorship not only of me of him but him of me because hes an extraordinary young man with an extraordinary research and most importantly the ability to take what he has learned, what he is analyzed it presented in a use friendly fashion. So many academics, so many writers, so many researchers as they effectively write for themselves and other res
Trustees ravenel, currie and charters and nikko. Now and to celebrate the release of brilliant new book criminal injustice, this book represents the culmination years of ralphs hard work. Not long ago, the conventional wisdom held that the biggest problem with our criminal Justice System was that it was far too punitive and that what urban neighborhoods needed most was for the police to stop being so proactive in their efforts to fight crime. Ralph warned that this was a dire mistake, that the crime decline that transformed americas cities was a fragile achievement, and that cities around the country would regret their headlong rush towards. Deep policing and decarceration. Needless to say, hes been proven right. And ralph has dedicated professional life to doing everything in his power to restore Public Safety, especially for our most vulnerable citizens. It is therefore fitting that ralphs introducer tonight is commissioner bill bratton. Over the course of his long and distinguished.
Charters and nikko. Now and to celebrate the release of brilliant new book criminal injustice, this book represents the culmination years of ralphs hard work. Not long ago, the conventional wisdom held that the biggest problem with our criminal Justice System was that it was far too punitive and that what urban neighborhoods needed most was for the police to stop being so proactive in their efforts to fight crime. Ralph warned that this was a dire mistake, that the crime decline that transformed americas cities was a fragile achievement, and that cities around the country would regret their headlong rush towards. Deep policing and decarceration. Needless to say, hes been proven right. And ralph has dedicated professional life to doing everything in his power to restore Public Safety, especially for our most vulnerable citizens. It is therefore fitting that ralphs introducer tonight is commissioner bill bratton. Over the course of his long and distinguished. Commissioner bratton has sav
Trustees ravenel, currie and charters and nikko. Now and to celebrate the release of brilliant new book criminal injustice, this book represents the culmination years of ralphs hard work. Not long ago, the conventional wisdom held that the biggest problem with our criminal Justice System was that it was far too punitive and that what urban neighborhoods needed most was for the police to stop being so proactive in their efforts to fight crime. Ralph warned that this was a dire mistake, that the crime decline that transformed americas cities was a fragile achievement, and that cities around the country would regret their headlong rush towards. Deep policing and decarceration. Needless to say, hes been proven right. And ralph has dedicated professional life to doing everything in his power to restore Public Safety, especially for our most vulnerable citizens. It is therefore fitting that ralphs introducer tonight is commissioner bill bratton. Over the course of his long and distinguished.
Now and to celebrate the release of brilliant new book criminal injustice, this book represents the culmination years of ralphs hard work. Not long ago, the conventional wisdom held that the biggest problem with our criminal Justice System was that it was far too punitive and that what urban neighborhoods needed most was for the police to stop being so proactive in their efforts to fight crime. Ralph warned that this was a dire mistake, that the crime decline that transformed americas cities was a fragile achievement, and that cities around the country would regret their headlong rush towards. Deep policing and decarceration. Needless to say, hes been proven right. And ralph has dedicated professional life to doing everything in his power to restore Public Safety, especially for our most vulnerable citizens. It is therefore fitting that ralphs introducer tonight is commissioner bill bratton. Over the course of his long and distinguished. Commissioner bratton has saved countless lives.