MONDAY to FRIDAY 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Fate brought this radio veteran to her true calling. While attending the Upward Bound Program at UTC the summer after graduating from Chattanooga High School (with no decision yet on a major), she was given the choice between sewing and radio interest groups because the dance group was full. She definitely wasn’t joining the sewing group so reluctantly, so she accepted radio. Under the direction of Reverend Kenneth Scaife, she quickly found that she had a true love for this field and communications became her major.
After attending Chattanooga State, she landed a part-time slot at WJTT. “I was so thrilled that I ran door to door in my neighborhood to tell everybody to listen! When I worked at the college station I knew that it was a small listening audience including my grandmother who I forced to listen, but I was just happy to be on the radio! I love people and I love being able to touch someone or help make somebody’s day. It’s surp