Battles at Beth She'an (c. 926 BC), Beth Shemesh (c. 790 BC), Bethsaida & Kinneret (732 BC), and Lachish (701 BC) The Proceedings of the National Extraordinary new dating techniques utilizing the earth’s magnetosphere have dramatically verified the dates of five biblical battles, again confirming biblical accuracy.
Toi Staff reported on this exciting archaeological discovery in The Times of Israel: "Archaeologist: Thick wall found at Lachish indicates King Solomon’s In 2019, archaeologists discovered King Rehoboam's wall in Lachish in Israel, dated to c. 920 BC in a "fortified city": precisely the place & period described in the Bible.
Reply to Atheist "Lex Lata" This is a reply to a guest article on Jonathan MS Pearce's atheist blog, by "Lex Lata": a sharp and fairly civil atheist I provide more than fifty massive and multi-faceted evidences in favor of the notion that Moses wrote the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), vs. atheist "Lex Lata."