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Haivision and SRT Alliance Bring Broadcast and Cloud Leaders Together with Historical SRT InterOp Plugfest
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More than 40 companies established multi-vendor interoperability for low latency broadcast and streaming across three major cloud platforms globally. Interoperability amongst all vendors has always been an important goal of the SRT Open Source project. MONTREAL (PRWEB) December 22, 2020 Haivision (TSX: HAI), a leading provider of mission-critical, real-time video streaming and networking solutions, and the SRT Alliance, a collaborative community of over 450 solution providers supporting the SRT Open Source project, today announced the completion of the SRT InterOp Fall 2020 Plugfest.
Hosted by Haivision and the SRT Alliance, the SRT InterOp Plugfest attracted more than 40 leading broadcast and streaming vendors who successfully tested interoperability between products, services, and solutio