who in the carter house? you write only three or four people had copies of that book. how did a copy of that book get out of the white house? out of the carter white house. according to the sources we have, bob dunn or lori. bob was our trip director i know. i know. right. he was in with corbin. lucy was the daughter of the governor who ran with john anderson. they gave it to paul corbin who was a labor organizer but had been arrested many times. and the thing is interesting, chris, because it shows the enmity on the kennedy side. he had been a ted kennedy supporter and the kennedy people were so as opposed to us, he got that book, switched sides, handed it to. casey. and casey did it to baker. you write in the bok that president carter thought that the fact that they fill muched that book from his staff, gave it to reagan s debate prep people had an influence in who won the debate. obviously, we had high
was on the kennedy side, we were completely shut out of the dnc. i mean, the dnc was in operation of the carter white house. right. it s just how it is. i mean, real politics is real politics and debbie wasserman schultz i don t think anybody has accused her of being neutral in the presidential race. i do remember that back in 1980. susanest ridge thank you so much, great to see you as always. great to see you, merry christmas and happy new year to you and everybody. don t forget to read susan s column. she has a syndicated column in newspapers all over the country, it s terrific every wednesday and friday, be sure to check it out. we will tell you why this year s super saturday was more sluggish than super and what it means for the u.s. economy. and try to guess which iconic new york city building is about as long as this cargo ship. we will reveal coming up next.