Overdose in the United States. Increased opioid addiction and a production of deadly synthetic opioids have exasperated american staggering overdosed death rate. In 2017, more than 70000 people died from Drug Overdoses making it the leading cause of injury related death in the United States. Of those, 60 involve prescription opioids and illicit opioid such as fentanyl. Americans fared no better against Opioid Epidemic in 2018 when more than 10 Million People aged 12 or older of abused opioid in 2 Million People suffered from an opioid use disorder and on average 130 americans died each day from an opioid openers. We did not know that some cost and disrupted lives or untimely deaths from widespread misuse of prescription and nonprescription opioids but we know from our family, our neighbors and our friend who bear the enduring lost loved ones that the opio crisis is not over. We must continue contending with this crisis. That being said, we made Great Strides over the past three years t