All presidential candidates can expect a certain amount of attention while on the campaign trail. But when your last name is Kennedy, the spotlight gets a bit more intense. Check Out: Trump-Era Tax.
The presidential hopeful, who is running as an independent candidate hopes to be a champion of America s working class upon successfully pulling off a political coup in this year s presidential race.
With the 2024 presidential election months away, on November 5, 2024, candidates have been dropping out of the race until just a handful of hopefuls remain. The U.S. president earns $400,000 a year,.
In 2021, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. earned more than $500,000 as the chair and top lawyer at Children’s Health Defense, the nonprofit organization that he has helped build into a leading spreader of anti-vaccine falsehoods and a platform for launching his independent bid for the White House. The compensation was almost three times as high as the amount paid to the organization’s president, but it was not Kennedy’s biggest source of income. Neither was his family’s fabled wealth. Instead, most of his