The Series B round led by Spark Capital values 5-year old Abridge, which is used by 5,000 doctors, at $200 million. But it s up against Nuance, which Microsoft bought for $18.8 billion and is used by half a million doctors.
Sara Abraha Uvloriak was four years old when she died in London. Canadian researcher Kenn Harper wrote an article about her story and her unnamed grave, inspiring a congregation in London to change her narrative.
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It’s August, 1818, and two British naval ships are dodging icebergs in Baffin Bay on their mission to find the Northwest Passage. John Ross, commanding the HMS
Isabella, and William Parry in the HMS
Alexander are farther north along the western Greenland coast than any previous explorers. They assume this land of glaciers and stark mountains is uninhabited.
But they’re wrong.
They spy several figures running on a hill near shore. Ross assumes they’re shipwrecked sailors in need of rescue, and he steers the
Isabella to get closer. But they turn out to be Native people, a community of Inughuit living farther north than Europeans believed was physically possible.