Andre Khalil’s Computational Modeling, Analysis of Imagery and Numerical Experiments (CompuMAINE) lab has used image analysis techniques to solve a range of problems at every scale, from cancer cells to galaxies. And he has only scratched the surface of its potential. Since 2008, over $1 million in funding has supported CompuMAINE research using image analysis […]
Kendra Batchelder never expected that she would end up pursuing an Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Computational Biomedicine, but in many ways it was the perfect culmination of her winding path through life so far. As Batchelder completes her final year researching mammogram image analysis with professor Andre Khalil, she is looking forward to the ways that […]
OpBox plans to use its $25,000 prize money to document and create content for its first OpBox Village, in South Boston, according to the company's co-founder, Ben Davis.