More than 250 students experience world of work
A virtual experience offered more than 250 students the chance to experience the world of work.
Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnershipâs Careers Hub, Speakers for Schools and local employers hosted a Virtual Insight Day series at The Queen Katherine School in Kendal, providing a high-quality virtual experience of the world of work.
Taking place between March 22 and March 26, each of the five days focused on a different sector, giving students in years 10 and 11 a range of career insights.
The sessions were interactive, with plenty of opportunities for students to engage and get their questions answered.
Andrew Thomas speaks to the new clerk of Kendal Town Council Chris Bagshaw about the importance of grass roots democracy and the council’s upcoming priorities. New clerk Chris Bagshaw believes passionately in the role Kendal Town Council plays in ensuring decisions made about the community reflect what local people want. “Our duty is to the people of Kendal,” said Mr Bagshaw, who has been town clerk for around two months. “We start from the view that the town belongs to the people who live in the town and decisions made should reflect their views.” He said the goal of the town council involved what is known as ‘place shaping’ and, to that end, one of the council’s most important roles is being a statutory consultee for planning applications.
Looking ahead to 2021, what is your vision for supporting the South Lakeland economy? Coronavirus undoubtedly presents one of the biggest challenges to our district. SLDC is working with multiple agencies as part of the immediate response to the pandemic but is also focussed on doing everything in our power to create the conditions necessary for our businesses and communities to recover. SLDC has a clear plan of activity for the district which will help with recovery, build confidence, attract investment and ultimately make South Lakeland a better place to live, work and explore. We were pursuing many of these projects anyway, but it is all the more vital that we deliver on them now.