Tracie Skaggs, director of communications for the Carl Junction School District, has received the 2024 Distinguished Service Award from the Missouri School Public Relations Association.
The Joplin School District is among nearly two dozen districts and private schools in Southwest Missouri to receive grant funding for safety and security measures and upgrades.
NOEL, Mo. Noel Primary s library recently received a $5,000 grant, which will be used to purchase new books, from the Laura Bush Foundation for America s Libraries.
SOUTHWEST CITY All down Main Street in Southwest City, residents could hear the voices of students from Southwest City Elementary School on Dec. 16, as they stopped by the various stores, businesses and offices to sing Christmas carols.
The McDonald County R-1 School District Board of Education recently heard an update from construction company Veregy on the future storm shelters to be built at several district schools if voters approve a bond issue on April 5.