Work under way at Kaikohe water storage dam
8 Mar, 2021 07:10 PM
4 minutes to read
Aerial photo showing an access road under construction to the Matawii water reservoir near Kaikohe. Earthworks for the Ngāwhā Innovation and Enterprise Park can be seen on the right. Photo / Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust
Aerial photo showing an access road under construction to the Matawii water reservoir near Kaikohe. Earthworks for the Ngāwhā Innovation and Enterprise Park can be seen on the right. Photo / Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust
Peter de Graaf is a reporter for the Northern
Work is under way to build an access road to the site of the Matawii water storage dam, the first project in the country to be given the green light under fast-tracked consenting rules.