Security forces. We are receiving come flikting reports on what actually is happening right now. News 4s angie goff is at the live desk monitoring the situation. We wanted to begin with the newest stuff first. New pictures of the militants in the mall. This is from al shababs unverified twitter account. Take a look. In the last hour they tweeted this out saying it shows militants inside the nairobi mall in their words unruffled and strolling around. The same account previously said that there are hostages that are still alive. Now as we take you outside the mall where all of this is going on, live pictures here. The Extremist Group claims its Still Holding its ground conflicts with what were getting from kenyan officials. Security forces are in control and are now combing the complex for terrorists and any survivors. So far 62 people have died. Another update on the situation is expected from kenyas president later today. Meanwhile, here at home u. S. Investigators are looking into one
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