ready for court? right this way, please. hopefully i ll go home. then i ll be with my baby. right this way, kemyada. in this chair. i m just going to explain myself from the beginning to the end, leave no parts out because it s two sides to the story. this young lady is charged with run away, is that right? right. kemyada, have a seat up here, please. you re charged with running away. tell us what happened. well, monday, me, my boyfriend and my cousin had the baby and we was out all night. we didn t call nobody. then tuesday i dropped my daughter off at her grandmother s house because i was getting agitated with her. this is not my first time getting agitated so agitated with your mother? no, my mom had nothing to do with this. it was my daughter. she was sleepy. i was getting cranky, everything. so, we was out late.
did with the godmother. and i knew then that they were just on the run. they were and she neglected to say drinking, smoking, partying, having a good time. so, now i need to step in and i have to do something to keep her safe along with keeping the baby safe. so, i put in a missing persons report. i want it to stop. i want her to go to school so that when she gets out into society, she won t be another statistic. she won t have a child who i have to take care of because i want her to raise her own daughter. ms. foster, would you be willing to take your daughter home if the court provides a supervision? i don t believe it would be successful. kemyada, first of all, you talked about that you were disrespectful and you cussed your mother out. you said everybody does it. i ve got news for you, sweetie, not everybody cusses their parent out, okay. that s first and foremost. secondly, you going out and
making progress. judge, that s all i have. mrs. gusik? where had you been with the baby all night? at my cousin s house. we spent the night over there because it was late. is that a habit of yours, take this baby and drop it different places? that is not a habit, no. how old is your boyfriend? he s 18. is he in school? no, ma am. are you seeing a pattern here? you re not dee he texting a pattern of doing things in your life that isn t in your best interest? but i can t look at what he s doing. i have to do for me. yeah, we re going together, but people are going to do what they want to do. i have no further questions, judge. all right. kemyada, you may have a seat back there. next witness. judge, i m going to call kim foster to the stand, please. so the court can get a better understanding of who kemyada is,
options. it s still unclear if her mother will consent to that arrangement. today what the court will do is find probable cause to believe that this young lady is in need of services. that no malter where she s placed, kemyada be provided parenting clalses, that she begin the process of working on her ged. if the parents decide not to take her home with them today, i m going to order that she be placed on ore r or before 4:00 p.m. in a house. last but not least i m going to order individual and family counseling. this hearing is adjourned. thank you. i ll be in touch with you. i ll let you know what they decide. okay? let me talk to you guys outside. i love you. i love you. dang, mom. man. unlike her mother, kemyada s