‘When I Joined Orangetheory Fitness And Ate Healthy Versions Of My Favorite Foods, I Lost 45 Pounds’
“Strength training makes me feel strong and powerful, and mentally I have never felt better.”
By Nicole Feist, as told to Madeline Howard Mar 8, 2021 Nicole Feist
My name is Nicole Feist (@fitandfeisty ) and I m 27 years old. I live in Minnesota and
work in sales enablement for a startup.
By changing my eating lifestyle, going to Orangetheory Fitness, and doing Kelsey Wells at-home training PWR programs,
I ve lost about 45 pounds
I never had an issue with weight growing up, as I was both active and involved in sports. In college, however, I developed anxiety and depression, and stopped caring about my health. This resulted in gaining 45 pounds in just a few months.