This episode, hosted by Molly Wright, features a talk with Liam Clymer and Kelsey Lester about their work reporting on the ‘Food Fight!’ exhibition at the MSU Museum and the.
With holiday travel approaching, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is urging dog owners to be aware of a “mystery illness” that is sweeping the nation.
The illness affects dogs’ respiratory systems, causing an unusual increase in coughing, sneezing, loss of appetite, eye and nasal discharge, fever and lethargy.
A deer with chronic wasting disease has been found in Ogemaw County a county that had never seen the disease before.
And that worries the Department of Natural Resources.
The state’s Natural Resources Commission wants to know more before deciding whether to allow the hunting of wolves – if Michigan’s largest predator is taken off the federal endangered species list.
They are one of the most controversial animals in the state, according to Brian Roell, a Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologist.
CNS BUDGET WEEK 11 Nov. 17, 2023 To: CNS Editors From: Eric Freedman and Judy Putnam For technical problems, contact CNS technical manager Eryn Ho at (616) …