Lenders. I think thats something that id like to talk a little bit about here today because members of our military have to resort to financing from these predatory lenders all too often. We know military Service Members are three times more likely than civilians to use predatory payday loans that charge exorbitant rates. Thats three times the civilians use. The military families carry 10,000 or more in Credit Card Debt compared to 16 for civilian frames. 10 of military families carry more than 20,000 in debt compared to just 7 of the civilian families, and more than half of military Service Members are not saving for the future and have trouble paying their monthly bills. Thats why this morning, i reintroduced my military savings act which is legislation i previously introduced in the house of representatives, and the bill would promote Savings Rates among military Service Members and decrease their need to turn to predatory payday lenders in times of financial crisis. The bill establ
Harman Projects is pleased to present Fresh Eyes, a two-person exhibition by artist duo KEFE, aka Kelly Tunstall and Ferris Plock. This will be the ar.
NORTHAMPTON A celebration of the lives of people with disabilities on Saturday also served as a blunt reminder that access to public buildings in Northampton is not good enough, organizers said, and that more able-bodied people need to join the.
Sunday, May 30, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and every last Sunday of the month The Art District on Santa Fe has retooled its monthly Art of Brunch series and replaced it with Sundays on Santa Fe, turning the focus on the art, wares, eateries and creative adventures in store for visitors on the street.
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