Healthcare counsel should know the way they guide clients through legal, business issues may need to change based on Ninth Circuit case governing protections for attorney-client communications. Here is how to mitigate risk of attorney-client emails being used in litigation.
Inside and outside healthcare counsel should know that the way they guide clients through legal and business issues may need to change based on a recent Ninth Circuit case governing the.
Inside and outside counsel should know that the way they guide clients through legal and business issues may need to change based on a recent Ninth Circuit case governing the.
Inside and outside counsel should know that the way they guide clients through legal and business issues may need to change based on a recent Ninth Circuit case governing the protections afforded to dual purpose communications. Here's how to mitigate litigation risks.
In a surprising move, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) dismissed a dispute involving the proper test to apply when determining whether an unnamed law firm’s mixed bag of.