| Credit: Sunshine Photography by Samantha Schwalb
Meredith Wille knew the minute she saw the adoptable puggle (a pug and beagle mix) named Bertha on Facebook, back in November 2019, that she had to do something. It was just this horrifying picture of this ridiculously fat puggle, Wille, 49, a licensed veterinary technician and certified canine fitness trainer and rehabilitation practitioner, told PEOPLE. I have a lot to offer dogs that are injured and overweight, so I thought How can I not help this poor dog? Get push notifications with news, features and more. + Follow
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Image zoom Credit: Courtesy of FOUR PAWS
A cat meat restaurant, which reportedly served around 240 cat meat meals a month, and its associated slaughterhouse in Thai Binh, Vietnam, were shut down on Dec. 15.
According to Four Paws the global animal welfare organization that oversaw the shutdown along with Change for Animals Foundation, Hanoi Pet Rescue, Paws for Compassion, and Vietnam Cat Welfare 20 cats and 5 dogs awaiting slaughter were rescued from the facility. Unfortunately, one of the cats died shortly after it was saved. Get push notifications with news, features and more. + Follow
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Credit: Rosamond Gifford Zoo
The Rosamond Gifford Zoo is in Syracuse, New York, is mourning the loss of another young elephant just days after the death of a year-old calf.
On Sunday, the zoo announced on Facebook that their 5-year-old Asian elephant Batu died on Friday morning after succumbing to Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpes Virus (EEHV), a lethal strain of herpes that targets Asian elephants. Get push notifications with news, features and more. + Follow
Following You ll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications. This is obviously the worst possible outcome, and it occurred after more than a week of intensive care by our team in hopes that every day Batu survived gave him a better chance to beat this horrible disease, zoo director Ted Fox said in a statement.