/ Vandalia Radio
Dec 16, 2020 5:15 AM
The Vandalia School Board was presented with a plan to enhance hybrid and remote learning in the district during its monthly meeting on Tuesday evening. The plan was put together by Curriculum Coaches Jeremy Rinkel and Kelley Hopwood along with the school administrators of the various buildings. Vandalia Elementary School Principal Stacy Mesnard says they worked very hard over the course of the last couple weeks to put an enhanced plan together as they look ahead for the start of the next semester and have a lot of buy-in from the teachers.
Mesnard went over what a typical day would look like for students and teachers including live instruction or recorded instruction for ELA and Math to be sent out to students as well as one “special” each day which would be music, art or physical education learning. For Vandalia Jr. High, Principal Brian Kern says they have had to do some tweaking with the master schedule for the 4th and 5th grade level