In its quest to get to the roots of ancient Tamils and their rich lifestyle, the Tamil Nadu government on Friday resumed archaeological excavations in four sites, including Keeladi and Sivagalai where past diggings have resulted in fascinating findings and launched the same in three new locations. Chief Minister M K Stalin, whose government allotted Rs 5 crore to the Tamil
EVERYBODY thinks honesty and trust is important. But can we find a theft-free place on earth that needs nobody or any policeman around to punish thieves for non-compliance, except a belief in the punitive power of an unseen force?
Yes, you can, deep inside Sabah!
Well, this is the pleasant surprise which inspires this reflective story on the question of trust.
How safe and secure we can all feel if everybody can be trusted not to steal. Yet, there is such an innocent unsung village in Sabah
Aglonema Pictum Tricolor Identik dengan Seragam Tentara, Harga Rp200 Ribu
Parama Ghaly Tanaman hias aglonema pictum tricolor. /
Tapi bukan berarti, aglonema pictum tricolor jadi peliharaan serdadu di barak militer.
Keterkaitan aglonema pictum tricolor dengan tentara, yakni warna yang dimilikinya.
Sesuai dengan namanya, aglonema pictum tricolor memiliki tiga warna, yang mirip seragam prajurit tempur, loreng hijau.
KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 26): Malaysia’s new Covid-19 cases rose to 3,585 today, from 3,048 reported on Monday, marking the third straight day of cases staying above the 3,000 mark with 11 more deaths recorded.
Among the new infections today, two were imported meaning they had contracted the virus from abroad while 3,583 were local transmissions, said health director-general (DG) Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.
Dr Noor Hisham said among the locally transmitted cases, 3,053 or 85.2% involved Malaysians, while 530 or 14.8% were foreigners.
This raised the cumulative Covid-19 infections to 190,434 from just 113,010 as at Dec 31, 2020. The 11 additional fatalities also pushed the coronavirus death toll to 700, according to his statement.