daughter i am offended. as long as i continue to draw a breath we will never have a president named keith. that is keithist. i am not even going to say the name. the irony of the bad keith is that al-qaeda loved him. true. i don t know who you are talking about. keith olberman. the only keith for me was the keith from the british version of the office. i thought you were a mets fan. the greatest keith was the muss stashed the mustached keith. never president as long as i m alive. the lead singer of the circle jerks was keith. there will be a lot of keiths on twitter. keith morris. no. what about a president scott.
as long as i continue to draw a breath we will never have a president named keith. that is keithist. i am not even going to say the name. the irony of the bad keith is that al-qaeda loved him. true. i don t know who you are talking about. keith olberman. the only keith for me was the keith from the british version of the office. i thought you were a mets fan. the greatest keith was the muss stashed the mustached keith. never president as long as i m alive. the lead singer of the circle jerks was keith. there will be a lot of keiths on twitter. keith morris. no. what about a president scott. that sounds weird.