One of the unfortunate operational shortcomings of the Haberek years in Stonington was the failure to fund for a period of time the Director of Town Planning position. The input of a skilled nonpartis.
Stonington ― The owners of Maple Lawn Farm have applied for a zone change that would allow them to host events, classes, tastings and seminars.
A town road running through the property, though, could .
Stonington After nearly two decades with the town, Keith Brynes has resigned as town planner.
Brynes submitted his resignation Feb. 10, effective March 3, to accept a position as Director of Plannin.
Stonington The town released a pared down version of a short-term rental ordinance on Thursday after an initial draft led to significant opposition from short-term rental owners and other residents .
Stonington ― The owner of Mystic River Farm says he may be forced to move his proposed farm out of town after the Planning and Zoning Commission rejected his request to remove rabbits from a list of f.