The founders of Wright Creative, a multi-million dollar agency for branded content and video production, are passionate about creating stories on marginalized communities.
Image: Getty. Illustration: Chloe Krammel
Pre-2020, one of the things I loved most about my job was meeting and talking face-to-face with other incredible women in my industry. Back then, I completely took for granted just how easy it was to make those connections by signing up for a conference, attending a local networking event, or even making a chance connection at a party.
Of course, face-to-face events and serendipitous meet-ups just aren t happening right now, but there has never been a greater need for women to forge those vital connections. We need to see, learn from, and empower one another, not just because these relationships are essential for maintaining our careers during this pandemic, but because they fuel our fire and let us know we re not going through this experience alone.