contempt. they re not doing that. they re keeping contempt off the table for now, just as a stick out there because they re starting to see compliance from barr. are you confused enough yet? so the point is, it is slow, procedural stuff, danny. it is about as slow as congress can move while still looking like they re moving in a direction that, politically, a lot of people want them to move in. yes and no. sometimes civil proceedings and, again, they re divided as we heard between actual civil lawsuits and civil contempt proceedings, which themselves are different. the distinctions start piling up. the bottom line is, congress has several different options, but the challenge is, congress person to investigate and issue subpoenas, what we re learning is without a vehicle to enforce that power, enforce the subpoenas, those powers may exist ultimately only on paper. interesting. danny and charlie, thank you for that. we will continue to follow what the developments are. we ll be