ticket. i don t want to get fined. but that s unbelievable. ainsley: what do you say i never met a dance floor that did me any good? brian: yeah. it s good to know you didn t break a law. steve: to your point you think the ymca is dancing? brian: yeah, i do. i only do one letter which that s the key. steve: he is the m. ainsley: so glad wedding are back. brian: now to just meet that special someone. keeping big tech in check lara logan take as dive from the local tech companies and warns your privacy is at risk. she will join us with a sneak peek at the series on fox nation.
they can use them any way they want [inaudible] without your permission? [inaudible] don t realize how valuable are their information actually is. unique speak from the new season lara logan has no agenda available on fox nation where lara take as deep dive into data privacy and censorship overreach of big tech. new episodes coming out monday through thursday. that s today. lara joins us now. lara, what was the biggest revelation you had? you know, brian, that s tough. because there is so much, right? i mean, the depth and petraeus e have given up is staggering. as a mother i was particularly