The Lamar County United Way has exceeded a $600,000 goal with more pledges still coming in, a large group of volunteers meeting learned Wednesday morning at the final report meeting
Due to the response from West Paris homeowners, Fall Sweep, a cleanup effort scheduled Saturday morning is in need of additional volunteers, Keep Paris Beautiful executive director Julia Trigg Crawford
A result of recent West Paris town hall meetings, the City of Paris is partnering with United Way of Lamar County, Keep Paris Beautiful/Make Lamar County Shine and Credit Union
A handful of residents voiced their disgruntlements Thursday inside the T.G. Givens Early Childhood Center s cafeteria during the third of five town hall meetings held by city officials this year.
Funding is secured and design plans in place for a $2 million plus Texas Department of Transportation project to place raised concrete mediums along Lamar Avenue between 33rd NE and