In the news a Philadelphia Police officer is off the job and facing charges for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend, and a former firefighter that responded to the twin towers on 9 11 is new yorks newest lottery winner. But the big story on action news is the excitement building for the 4th of July Celebrations, from the shore to the city there is no shortage of parties and fireworks tomorrow. Preparations are well underway. Action News Reporter Katherine Scott with the latest from the ben franklin parkway. The setup is well underway here, the setup is here for the concert and people are ready to celebrate. Today the rivera family is out for a skate near the art museum and ben franklin parkway will be packed but like many they just find their spot and gaze upward. People for some reason thought there was nothing going on no pushing and no shoving everybody is getting along. Crews are out building the stage for the 4 and of july jam and there is still work to be done for the concert. Be