entirety of the declared stockpile of removed. sean: that was former obama administration security advisor susan rice claiming that syria got rid of their chemical weapons back in january because obama drew that redline in the sand. today, the washington post gave rice four nokias for that claim, and former secretary of state who served with rice and the obama administration contradicted his former colleague, telling the new york times, we always knew we had not gotten rid of everything, that the syrians had not been fully forthcoming in the declaration. well then why did obama and rice and john kerry say so? the host of war stories, our friend oliver north. okay, she liked about bobo that she lied on five sunday shows about benghazi. this was not preplanned or premeditated. it was spontaneous. they happen to have motors in their back pocket, and she lied
on february 9th, just days before his wife will be sentenced for her conviction on similar charges. it was brutally cold weather and snow. it s gripping much of the country, east of the rockies, making for tough travel conditions. and it s only going to get worse. especially in minneapolis where schools are closed for tomorrow since it could feel like 35 degrees below zero. but some love in the chilly weather. that is, you re looking at panda cub bobo. joining first role in the snow with the mom at the national zoo in washington. the 16 month old sure had fun. so anderson, so much today. i mean, the beginning day of congress for 2015 and bobo rolled in the snow in washington. one thing to the other. buckingham palace denying tal investigations. the court filing claims that the
worse. especially in minneapolis where schools are closed for tomorrow since it could feel like 35 degrees below zero. but some love in the chilly weather. that is, you re looking at panda cub bobo. joining first role in the snow with the mom at the national zoo in washington. the 16 month old sure had fun. so anderson so much today. i mean, the beginning day of congress for 2015 and bobo rolled in the snow in washington. one thing to the other. buckingham palace denying that prince andrew made a sex slave loaning her out to the rich and famous. more on prince andrew s past and how he knew epstein. max, what do we know about this guy and their relationship? well they were definitely friends. so many pictures of them taken over periods of time. we knew they spent a lot of time together. epstein, very well connected of
celebration to last night rather than tonight. but because of another storm hitting the region, the fireworks show was earlier than had been planned, and the kbobo pops were forced to cancel the traditional 1812 overture, and concert goers were told to leave immediately afterwards because of the severe weather. in the midwest, thousands watched the spectacular show above the skies of columbus, ohio. it s a tradition that s been going on for 34 years. people staked their spots hours before the show gets going. on this july 4th, another fast-moving wildfire is erupting in california, this one in the hills of eastern san diego county. flames tore across rugged terrain toward the historic mining town of julien, destroying two homes and threatening hundreds more. by nightfall, crews were able to manage the fire and stop it from spreading. holiday celebrations in julien have been canceled. and crews battling that stubborn fire in northern california s wine country are making progress.
authorities have not said what they found in the search of his home. thousands upon thousands of law enforcement man hours have been dedicated to this investigation. we are dedicated into suring justice is done. reporter: authorities say they are confident they can prove bobo was take enforcably from her home and if they get a conviction against adams they will consider pursuing the death penalty. bill: who is this man? reporter: zach adams had a long history of the run-ins in the law. he reportedly had multiple drug charges and also an assault on his own mother when he was only 19 years old. last week he was accused of assaulting the sister of his girl friend and now a grand jury indicted him on charges of kidnapping and murder in connection with holly bobo s disappearance.