MITO Ibaraki and Saga prefectures have reached an agreement to accept each other s certification for same-sex couples as partners following their relocations to either prefecture.
Only four of Japan’s 47 prefectures will take the central government’s option of easing infection count rules that currently oblige medical workers to report detailed information of every COVID-19 case, the Asahi Shimbun learned.
Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said Aug. 25 that doctors in the capital will continue to report all new COVID-19 cases every day, despite the central government’s decision to ease that burden on medical workers.
Currently, only alcoholic beverages and craft products are shipped to Taiwan from Fukushima, but there are also hopes "to work on expanding the exports of our fruits and rice."
Twenty prefectures are giving “deemed positive” diagnoses to potential COVID-19 patients without actually conducting tests to confirm if they are infected, The Asahi Shimbun has learned.