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Lynchburg-Clay FFA holds annual officer retreat Lynchburg-Clay FFA officers are pictured during their retreat last summer: (front, l-r) Treasurer Somara Donley, Student Advisor Emily Robinson, Reporter Rylee Oglesby and Chaplain Kaylee Butler-Fife; and (back, l-r) President Natasha Davidson, Vice President Brayden Eversole, Secretary Dawson Osborn and Historian Kameron Robinson. (Submitted photo) On July 26, the officers of the Lynchburg-Clay FFA chapter went to Long’s Retreat Family Resort for three days and two nights.
During this time, the officers held organizational meetings to discuss upcoming events for the 2020-21 school year. They even had time to enjoy the summer fun that comes with being at Long s Retreat, such as the go-carts, swimming in the lake and enjoying nature walks.
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Lynchburg-Clay FFA chapter raises meat chickens; hosts chicken show Seventeen Lynchburg-Clay FFA members participated in the inaugural Lynchburg-Clay FFA Chicken Show on Nov. 5. This was the first time that many of these members exhibited an animal. (Submitted photos) Jayden Hixson was named the Grand Champion Meat Chicken, while Kaylee Butler-Fife earned Reserve Champion. Pictured are FFA members Micah Hall and Kameron Robinson having their meat chickens evaluated by Mr. Larry Lokai. • • • The Lynchburg-Clay FFA chapter recently raised 60 meat chickens in the FFA Learning Barn, which is located on the school campus.