The First Amendment of the United States Constitution says that “Congress shall make no law… Abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
A swastika-tattooed Azov militant has been making the rounds in major Western cities and schools to help drum up public support for funneling cash and weapons. 14.11.2022, Sputnik International
NATO-Linked Think Tank Proposes Biden Adopt Venezuela-Style Regime Change Policies Towards Belarus
Sputnik International
The Biden administration should be massively boosting its funding to opposition groups in Belarus while increasing sanctions on the country in order to force out the current government, according to a discussion hosted by the highly influential Atlantic Council.
Kayla Popuchet is minoring in Slavic studies as part of her education in Latin American and Eastern European politics at City University of New York. Popuchet, who is also a regular contributor to Anticonquista and a New York City Housing Court Specialist, recently attended an online meeting about Belarus organised by the Atlantic Council, widely regarded as NATO s unofficial think tank.