Bharti Kher, ‘Intermediaries’, 2019–20 (installation view, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka). Courtesy the artist; Nature Morte, New Delhi; Samdani Art Foundation, Dhaka; and Perrotin, Paris, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo and Shanghai
It’s been a long time since the biennial Dhaka Art Summit took place in February this year. In more ways than one. The fact that it was titled Seismic Movements, a play on the notion of the summit as being something geological as much as social and political (or ‘how the world is moving and how we move in the world’, as the summit’s chief curator, Diana Campbell Betancourt, put it in her introduction in the catalogue – a theme that seemed to be summed up by Bharti Kher’s
Cut the price down
South African President has given the communications minister new targets, a sign that South Africa is serious about improving its telecom sector.
Here are the targets for Communications Minister, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams:
Ensure the current cost of mobile data is cut by 50%
Ensure that the data price of 1GB data in SA is among the top 10 cheapest in Africa by 2024
Reduce irregular expenditure by 100% by 2024
Ensuring that the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) is adequately resourced to licence 4G spectrum.
Issue a policy direction for 5G by December 2021 and ensuring that 80% of the population have access to the Internet by 2024.