that can signal to voters he might not be hon whes it comes to other things, like our dme or reasons for going to war? and when an incumbent talks about his challenger unchaining the banks, regardless of intended meaning, it may signal to some he is not as racially progressive as some would want. getting into the proverbial weeds can tell us something about the issues that we care about. and in turn, the issues can then be made important by the voters, joining me now, anthea butler, peter goodman, author of past due. kayton dawson, former south carolina gop chair, national republican consultant, and a consultant at the raven group. nice to you have peter, negativity is not necessarily anything new. is this different?
it s a one-track mind. slash spending, get it all done now. as the saying goes, the elephant never forgets. but a clip our colleagues at up uncovered earlier this morning suggests it might not be the case. the brain behind the gop elephant has a bit of cognitive diso nance. what we are trying to accomplish with the passing of the third stimulus package is create jobs and help the unemployed. what we re trying to accomplish is pass the kinds of legislation that when they passed in the past have grown the economy and gotten people back to work. yep. paul ryan back in 2002 making the case for bush stimulus package that included 50% spending to get the economy going, and reduce unemployment. dan dicker, jamaal simmons, kay ton dawson, and peter goodman are joining us. dan, ryan and i apparently
ticket very well may have won. but the longer that spotlight stayed and the more we ve gotten to know sarah palin, these very folks who liked her so much were talking before the show that in south carolina, her approval ratings are pretty darn low at the moment. they were. but when you go back and look at that, i was chairman of a party where john mccain was sort of the establishment s pick. much like bob dole. there wasn t a lot of excitement. i honored john mccain s service. we didn t win. no question. sarah palin brought an enthusiasm and excitement. we needed 6,000 volunteers to do what the republicans did in south carolina. at the end of the day, that s history and now there s a new day. i m going to have to stop us just for a bit here. up next, we re going to take a special trip back in time as we dig into our vault in honor of president s day. as we go to break, i wanted to leave you with this image. it s a photo my friend bernie took and that really speaks to me. people wit
wesley lowery is a political reporter with the washington post and kay ton dawson the chairman of the republican party. wesley, we ve been telling graphing this for a while. if immigration reform can t get through congress, then the president steps in and takes executive action. now this week he signals that s what he plans to do at the end of the summer. what is the expectation for the scope of what he s going to end up doing here? it s unl clear exactly what president obama might do with the executive action. first he s got to deal with the current border crisis with so many children coming here. part of that will be probably tied in with congressional action s asking for. a lot will be the executive action, either ordering more resources down to the border, opening more facilities for the children coming in. the president has also asked now for suggestions from immigration groups he s been working with as well as groups from the left and
pawlenty probably sees in his nightmares every night. with two improbable candidates behind newt gingrich we may have greatly exaggerated the rumors of his demise as well. a bunch of rich people calling themselves super pacs shouldn t be choosing our candidates but neither should the media. i m remind fd a scene near the end of the dark knight when lieutenant gordon said batman is the hero gotham deserves. let the voters key decide. if they want rick santorum for president, they most certainly deserve to have him. joining me now is long time gingrich supporter kay ton dawson, the former chairman of the south carolina republican party and senior adviser to winning our futurement newt gingrich s super pac. he s also highly likely going to make me speak in nigh my southern accent. we share southern roots.