A Lawrence man on Tuesday was sentenced to probation for child pornography charges he was recently convicted of in Douglas County District Court. Judge Kay Huf
Two Lawrence teens will have a two-week trial next year on attempted murder charges stemming from a North Lawrence shooting in May. Judge Kay Huff on Tuesday s
photo by: Mackenzie Clark
The Douglas County Judicial and Law Enforcement Center, which houses Douglas County District Court and a number of other criminal justice services at 111 E. 11th St., is pictured April 8, 2020.
A judge bound a Lawrence man over for trial in a rape case Wednesday in Douglas County District Court, following testimony from a witness and the woman he is accused of raping.
Andrew E. Ferguson, 22, was charged last December with rape of a victim who was unconscious or physically powerless. Ferguson faced an alternative charge of rape of a victim who was incapable of consenting because of the effects of drugs or alcohol. Both are severe, level-1 felonies.