generation to respect the rule of law, we can t., we c er we certainly can t. if our own f.b.i. is perceived to be flouting the basic idea of equal justice under the law. but operating within an obvious political bias, as it did recently against my next guesttn ,mark halk, a pro-life activist in pennsylvania. he s going to tell his story. it was all exposed today, though, during the grilling of . this is ag merrick garland. this is a case where a catholic pro-life demonstrator, father wasan accused of disorderly conduct in front of an abortion centerbo . the local prosecutor, the philadelphia distric attorney , who is a democrat, a liberal, very progressive,ry r declinedes to prosecute. and then after all of that, your justice department sent between 20 and 30 armed agentsut in the early morning hours to the house private residence afterrest this guy after he had offered to turn himself in
“The secret to success,” Mark Twain once said, “is making your vacation your vocation.” I would say that one could also make one’s vocation one’s vacation.
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